Dear Friends,
This week’s Parsha, Re’Eh, covers themes such as blessings and curses, the importance of following God’s commandments, dietary laws, and the concept of centralized worship, all of which help lay a roadmap for a happy and peaceful future that gives a reason to be optimistic in good times and bad. This sense of optimism and the hope for peace is captured in the song One Day, by Matthew Paul Miller, who is better known as Matisyahu.
Matisyahu is an American reggae singer, rapper, beatboxer, and musician, who was brought up in the Reconstructionist movement, but later migrated to Hasidism. He has a unique sound and counts Bob Marley, Phish,[84] God Street Wine, and Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach among his musical inspirations. In 2006, Matisyahu stated that “All of my songs are influenced and inspired by the teachings that inspire me. I want my music to have meaning, to be able to touch people and make them think. Chassidus teaches that music is 'the quill of the soul.' Music taps into a very deep place and speaks to us in a way that regular words can't.”
For Matisyahu, One Day expresses a hope for an end to violence, and a prayer for a new era of peace and understanding. In an interview with Spinner, Matisyahu said, “One Day' is the song I've been wanting to make since I started my career. It is an anthem of hope with a big beat, the kind of song that makes you bob your head and open your heart at the same time.”